niet-fatale verdrinking
Priority | Medication | Remarks |
Priority: 1st choice |
Medication: piperacilline/tazobactam iv 4000/500mg 4dd 5 days or
piperacilline/tazobactam iv loading dose 4500mg, 18000mg continuous per 24 hours 5 days |
Dosering bij continue infusie: eerst opladen met 4000/500mg in 30 minuten, daarna 16000/2000 mg continu per 24 uur |
Antimicrobial resources
The following antimicrobial agents have been used in these recommendations:
External antimicrobial resources
Menu position
Swab vid: G-501920.1
Updated: 11/03/2023 - 15:58
Status: Published
General comments
Het geven van profylaxe is omstreden.